Though Ramana Maharshi was an ardent votary of Jnana Marga, Self-inquiry, to attain Self-realisation, he was aware that not every seeker was blessed with subtle intellect to follow the path of Self-inquiry, the direct method of realisation. The mind needs to be refined and rendered pure to be able to delve into the innermost recesses of being and get connected with the Supreme Self.
The Maharshi suggested that till the seeker is ready to pursue the direct method of Self-realisation, he should include in his spiritual sadhana, practice, indirect methods like the paths of bhakti, devotion; pranayama, breath-regulation and karma, action. He said: “If, however, the aspirant is not temperamentally suited to ‘vichara marga’ – the introspective analytical method – he must develop bhakti to an ideal, whether it be God, guru, humanity in general, ethical laws, or even the idea of beauty”.
‘Upadesha Saram’ of Ramana Maharshi verse 3 reads as follows: “Work which is performed as an offering to the Almighty, and done without any expectation of the fruits thereof, helps in purification of the mind and thereby leads one to liberation.”
This verse explains the very essence of karma yoga and highlights the efficacy of this yoga in bestowing Self-realisation upon the seeker. ‘Karma’ means action; ‘yoga’ means union. Put simply, karma yoga includes those actions which bring about union with the Supreme Self.
No one can escape action; it is the demand of nature that human beings must engage in action. Also, an action cannot be performed in isolation; one action will definitely require that further actions are performed. This leads to the creation of a vicious circle of bondage, making it virtually impossible for the seeker to attain liberation. How to extricate oneself from the quagmire of the unending process of transmigration?
In the Bhagwad Gita, Krishna advises Arjuna to perform every action in a spirit of devotion, for common welfare, without being attached to the fruits of action (3:25). Actions that are performed as offerings to the Lord are not binding because they are done without expectation of any personal gains and with a sense of unconditional surrender. What you do is a part of you; it is the expression of what you stand for. Our life-work truly reflects our ideals – in fact, our real selves.
Krishna further advises Arjuna that he should make efforts to merge his individual consciousness into that of Supreme Consciousness through meditation and by adopting an attitude of surrender. This would infuse in him the spirit of ‘anasakti’, non-attachment, which would enable him to get rid of all sorts of desires that lead the seeker astray. The mind that is purged of impurities is able to see things in their right perspective. This pure mind will enable you to do your karma as a matter of duty in a spirit of surrender to God, says the Gita, 3:19.
Thus, only that seeker wins deliverance who, apart from performing his duties to the best of his abilities, fills his heart with love for fellow human-beings and God. He renders service to humankind with the understanding that the Divine spark is present in all. This is complete yoga which brings about integration of karma, bhakti and jnana and makes the seeker worthy enough to follow the direct method of realisation, via Self-inquiry.
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Courtesy: Times of India, Speaking Tree,2nd May, 2019