

EID – UL  FITR: is a Day of Thanksgiving: Eid is a day for thanksgiving when Muslims assemble in a brotherly and joyful atmosphere to offer their gratitude to Allah for helping them to fulfill their spiritual obligation prior to Eid Celebration of Eid goes far beyond spiritual devotion and verbal expressions; Eid mani¬fests itself in a social and humanitarian spirit Day of Remembrance: Remember the deceased and pray for their souls the needy by extending a helping hand the grieved by showing them sympathy and consolation the sick by cheering them Day of Victory: The one who observes faithfully his duties and who can have command over his desires is a triumphant one Day of Forgiveness: Forgive those who have wronged you and pray to Allah for forgiveness for your own trespasses  Day of Peace: Once you are at peace with Allah you are at peace with yourself and consequently with the rest of the universe Eid celebrates the treaty of peace between you and Allah