Continuance Of BJP-PDP Alliance In J&K

- Continuance Of BJP-PDP Alliance In J&K

Continuance Of BJP-PDP Alliance In J&K Will Adversely Affect Modi’s Image- Advantage Mehbooba

R K Mattoo  Editor Spade A Spade

The very idea of asking for Ceasefire in Kashmir by J&K CM is mischievous and treacherous , meant only to appease her vote bank at the cost of national security. And the BJP her partner in Government, falling for it will result in alienating its voters in the Jammu region and also tarnishing its image in the rest of the country.

Every day we hear news of security forces being killed by terrorists from across the border and within the valley. The stone pelting and attacks on security forces have increased from the day ceasefire was announced. But to Mehbooba, they are all misguided youth to be given amnesty because she wants to appease the vote bank she has carefully cultivated.  Mehbooba is playing a wily game by giving around 10,000 Stone pelters amnesty to win votes but giving absolutely no support to the security forces even when they are killed in the mayhem. Schools are burnt. Policemen are killed, the CRPF have a tough time trying to reign in terror attacks but her compassion is with the Stone Pelters not with the dead and maimed of the men who have to face angry young men willing to kill them for keeping the peace. Her call for ceasefire should have been considered only if she looked Terror in the Face and offered to live without security with the misguided youth she gives amnesty to. This is the least the Chief Minister of a state who has trust in her people should do to bring about peace in the state she rules. She must face the consequences of her beliefs. If she thinks the valley needs only a soft touch she must go to the 10,000 stone pelters families or send her minions to them to bring about the peace she thinks they are looking for and want desperately.

How can we ever expect to bring peace to the valley? Why have Central Govt. not questioned Mehbooba on the deadly double game she is playing by giving amnesty to hardened youth who are only interested in creating havoc and death. They come out in the hundreds and stone tourists and even little children in school buses because their only agenda is an Islamic State. Why else would Islamists who kill at random be given grand funerals? Thousands turn up for the death of a terrorist; but few venture to go for the funerals, when their own are killed fighting the terrorists. Just to air views is easy. Unfortunately, this is what the Abdullah and Mufti political families have been doing for decades, in their stronghold. But they speak false words protected by the Government of India. This is arrogance in the extreme. Government of India should stop these games and take control of the Kashmir Valley as the present and the past CMs have only brought about more mayhem, when they promised peace. Yet, the Chief Minister of the state wants a ceasefire! How absurd is this. It is obvious that she lives in a glass tower. Protected from the mayhem around her. How typical this is in the Valley for the last seven decades. Many sane voices have been urging the State and Central Governments to remove the elements that are trying to keep the fires of the valley burning. They don't want peace at any cost because they are in sync with Pakistan. The Hurriyat, who have been exposed by the National Investigate Agency (NIA) for getting huge sums of money from Pakistan to pay Stone pelters and prevent the security forces from getting to terrorists, who are killing our forces every day. Would any country allow this? Why is the Central Government not taking the obvious step that everyone has advised? Take the Separatist out of the Valley; lock up Stone pelters; and read a strict Riot Act to the people in the area that either they see to it that their children are not used as human shields or they will be killed if they pelt stones at security forces when an attempt is being made to neutralise the terrorists. Mehbooba and her politics along with her coalition partner the BJP have much to answer for. With voluminous data collected by the NIA, against the local terror groups and their source of funding pointing to the Hurriyat, why are they not in jail? How much further does the valley have to disintegrate and burn before the Centre takes strong action? How many more men from the Security Forces have to be killed and drastically injured? How much longer will we blame Pakistan before we get our own house in order? Pakistan wants to create havoc in the valley and make all the Muslims feel insecure and all we have been doing for the last 40 years is securing Pakistan's narrative.


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R K Mattoo –Editor Spade A Spade - An Official Publication of Kashmiri Hindu Cultural Welfare Trust, Bengaluru and Spade A Spade January 2018