Kashmiri Pandits' Struggle in Retrospect
P L Kaul
Our kudos to Kashmiri Samiti, Delhi, Panun Kashmir, All India Kashmiri Samaj, 'Save Kashmir Front and other organisations, fora and organs, particularly Koshur Samachar, for waging sustained struggle to highlight the problems of Kashmiri Hindu Refugees, mainly Kashmiri Pandits. We are indeed grateful to all those non-Kashmiri individuals and organisations who have been supporting us in this struggle.
We have almost lost the count of protest meetings, Dharnas, marches, seminars, symposia, etc. organised during the last three years to focus the attention of the Indian Government, political parties and people on the real situation in Kashmir and the agonising lot of the Kashmiri Hindu Refugees. A significant mile-stone of our struggle was reached on April 17, 1992, when a bold, heart-rending appeal by leading personalities and intellectuals of Kashmiri to the World Conscience was issued from Himachal Bhavan, New Delhi. This appeal condemns the rise of Muslim fundamentalism in Kashmir and rightly contradicts false assertions of the so called champions of Human Rights which tantamount to deliberate anti-Indian and anti- Kashmiri Pandits tirade. And the latest symposium on "Kashmir Crisis-Challenge to our survival" convened by Kashmiri Samiti, Delhi, on May 24, is yet another outstanding endeavour to highlight the Kashmir Crisis.
What has been the net result of all this struggle? Obviously, nothing substantial. The situation in Kashmir has worsened, so has the condition of the refugees, most of whom are languishing in ill- equipped camps and the attitude of the Government and the vested interests-political parties etc. remaining apathetic as ever. The editorial in Koshur Samachar' of May '92, captioned 'Of Terrorists and Tormentors' describes this situation so vividly. It says: "Nearly three years after the Kashmiri Pandit Community was subjected to brutal killings, wholesale devastation and unparalleled mass paralysing terror and booted out of the valley, the grievously wounded and broken people are still waiting for a word or a sign of sympathy and concern.
..Yet, indeed, it is one of the ugly faces of our style of democracy itself that has compounded, this catastrophe for a tiny little community......For three years now they (Kashmiri Pandits/Refugees) haven't moved an inch forward to some measure of solace, leave alone salvation and return home. On the contrary, they are steadily slipping backwards into wretchedness and oblivion and certain doom......
This stock-taking should not, however, deter us in our resolve to carry on our fight till we have achieved justice. It is high time we expose all the forces working overtly and covertly for their selfish ends at the cost of our interests and the interests of the nation. We must re-organise our think-tank, and adopt an action plan. We have had enough of academic exercises of 'analysis and re-analysis' of the crisis in Kashmir. There is need for dynamic action. We must build-up young and dynamic leadership, with a sense of commitment and dedication rather than continue to have our leaders from old vanguard and cautious retired-bureaucrats.
The projection of dismal situation in Kashmir and the agonising lot of Kashmiri Hindus should no longer remain confirmed to conference halls. We should cover bigger public gatherings all over the country and stir people for mass agitation to save Kashmir and save India. This is possible with the support of organisations and political parties which stand for strong action in Kashmir. We must lend active support to the political parties espousing our cause. To begin with, let us give a nation-wide call for observance of 'Save Kashmir Day' and seek active involvement of Bharatiya Janata Party and the other like-minded parties in organising meetings and rallies to project Kashmir Crisis as a national issue of utmost priority.
Redressal of injustice perpetrated by callous apathy of the Government may be sought through appropriate legal process. We may make a petition to Supreme Court for restoration of our Fundamental Rights and seek explicit time-bound direction from the court for the Government of India to comply with. The direction should be for effective protection of our interests in Kashmir, for adequate relief and proper rehabilitation and due compensation for loss of life and property.
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Courtesy:- P.L. Kaul and 1992 June Koshur Samachar