Rajendra Razdan Op-00-00000000
The quest for achieving the academic excellence had been the foremost priority for the Kashmiri Pandits from the time immemorial. The hunger for learning had been so intense for them that they had to fan out far and near to acclimatize themselves with various civilizations and to know about their way of living, languages spoken and written etc.
However, with the ascendancy of Islam in Kashmir during the medieval periods, due to obvious reasons the process of learning started to decline amongst the Kashmiri Pandits. Despite persecution leading to conversion and coupled with the draining of their eco-n o m i c resources, the Kashmiri Pandits tried to keep the flame of learning glowing. The picture during the pre- independence era too was in no way rosy one. In order to give impetus to the depleting educational standards, it was during the year 1943 an education society under the name and style of Hindu Educational Society of Kashmir was established by a handful of philanthropic Kashmiri Pandits. Its first General Council comprised of Kashmiris of high reputation and eminence like Pt. Shiv Narayan Fotedar, Pt. Bala Kak Dhar, Pt. Jia Lal Kilam, Pt. Amar Nath Kak, Pt. Janardhan Teng, Pt. Shambu Nath Dhar, Pt Sona Koul Sahib, Pt Tara Chand Trisal, Pt Ram Chand Pandita, Pt. Avtar Krishen Kitchloo and Pt Prem Nath Sahib Kilam. The main thrust of this society was to impart education to the unprivileged sections of the Kashmiri Pandit community. Its day to day affairs were managed primarily from the funds raised on account of donations and fees charged from the students. For a number of years during pre- independence era, imparting of education surged ahead purely due to the untiring efforts and dedication of the Community stalwarts, who actually conceived the idea of HESK, although with meager resources. It was during the tenure of Bakshi Ghulam Mohmmad the then Chief Minister of the J&K State, the private educational institutions received liberal financial assistance from the State Government. Due to this generous gesture, the HESK too got suitably benefited resulting in significant rise in the student rolls and thereby adding to its prestige. There after a number of educational institutions were established under the HESK.
The prominent being The Hindu College, Srinagar, The Hindu High School, Sheetal Nath, The Hindu Primary School, Malyar and Hindu Middle School, Purashyar, Srinagar. Due to the swelling of the financial resources of the IIESK, it unfortunately gave rise to the power struggle to control the affairs of these institutions amongst some vested interests in the community, Resulting in favouritism and nepotism. Reportedly, in order to give cover to the embezzlements, the access to the institutional accounts were denied to the curious citizens. Frequently fingers were raised on different managements for appointing their kith and kin. The constitution framed in the year 1944 was reportedly flouted on number of occasions. However, imparting of quality education continued as usual without any break. Some of the top Professors who brought repute to this institution were Prof L, N Dhar, Prof H N Durrani, Prof Som Nath Dhar, Prof O.N Bhan, Prof Roshan Lal Koul and others. By and large the tussle for power continued for several years until the last nail in the coffin was driven due to the unceremonious removal of the Kashmiri Pandits from their place of birth in the year 199O.The staff of this institution too had to flee from the valley to Jammu and other places in the country.
For information of the younger generation of the community in particular and the readers in general, The Hindu College, Srinagar was first started in one Talib Building situated at Balgarden, Srinagar. Due to paucity of space it was shifted to another rented accommodation of Shahmiri's at Fateh Kadal, Srinagar. Notable thing to mention here is that in order to give secular orientation to the institution, the name of The Hindu College, Srinagar was changed to Gandhi Memorial College, Srinagar at the insistence of the then Chief Minister Bakshi Ghulam Mohmmad. To infuse new vitality into the institution, from time to time young men of high academic merit were appointed in Gandhi Memorial College, Srinagar thereby not only adding to its prestige but to the Kashmiri Pandit community as well. It was during the stewardship of Prof S N Koul, a man of high repute and integrity, the Srinagar campus was purchased. Another highly revered teacher who framed service rules and maintenance of the service records for the first time in the college was non else but Prof D. N. Madan who took over the charge as Principal of the college in early
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