Imran levelled false accusations at UNGA Meet

- Imran levelled false accusations at UNGA Meet

Sh. Kundan Kashmiri

Imran levelled false accusations at UNGA Meet

Pakistan fully exposed herself in the recently held session at the 74th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) by its false accusations and lies about human rights violations and excesses to the Muslim minority in India, in particular of the Kashmir valley. Prime Minister Imran Khan should confess the fact that Pakistan is the mother of all the uncertainties prevailing in Kashmir due to the dirty game being played by Pakistan for the last thirty years, excesses committed with People of Kashmir, in particular with the KP minorities, which became victim of ethnic cleansings, forced exodus and massacre at the hands of its terrorists and agents in the valley.

It is the rogue Pakistan which is completely intolerant towards its minorities and has violated their human rights for decades, resulting in the percentage of minorities having dropped from 23% in 1947 to around 3.% at present. The intolerance and religious discrimination can be found itself in the Constitution of Pakistan as Islam is named as the religion of the state, the minorities are not free to practice their religions, they are still ignored of 'of democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance and social justice. The curriculum in Pakistani schools includes compulsory reading of the Quran, the Jihad and Shahadat path. The textbooks in schools of Pakistan extend the intolerance with systematic negative portrayals of minorities, especially Hindus. This is unlike in our free nation India. This rogue country of Pakistan has a lot of provisions which are, outright, discriminatory as only Muslims can become President of the country, thereby denying minorities the chance to hold the highest position of power. The Pak Constitution, also provides them for the set up of the Islamic Council, created to safeguard Islamic ideology and not ideology of other religions of the country. This Islamic Council can shape governmental decisions, actions and policy, which creates an institutionalized priority for Islamic ideas to the detriment of religious minorities like Hindus, Sikhs, Shias, Ahamadıyas and others This is unlike Indian Constitution which guarantees all sort of freedom, democracy, equality and social justice.

In public school textbooks, for children students of Pakistan, have a strong Islamic orientation and teachers often express negative views about Hindus, Ahmadis, Christians, Jews and others Blasphemy Law in Pakistan is often used to level false accusations on people from religious minorities to punish them with death or imprisonment for life and huge fines Women, belonging to religious minorities have been known to be victims of kidnapping and forced conversion to Islam. Religious persecution, especially forced conversions, remains the foremost reason for migration of Hindus from Pakistan and about 5.000 Hindus migrate from Pakistan to India every year in order to escape religious persecution. The killing of minorities is a routine affair, as in 2005, 32 Hindus were killed in government firing at Balochistan. In 2006, a Hindu temple in Lahore was destroyed to pave way for the construction of a multi-storied commercial building. In 2010 large families of Hindus were attacked by huge Muslim mobs and were threatened to leave Pakistan and this ethnic cleansing was followed by an incident in which a Hindu boy drank water from a tap near a Muslim mosque. Hindu girls are often victims of abductions, rape, and prolonged sexual exploitation in captivity. Some notorious religious establishments proudly validate these crimes. State institutions, the police and politicians always encourage such trends. Even Pak ministers were seen making derogatory remarks against the Hindu community in a television programme and referred to the Hindu community as cow urine-drinking people. Thousands of Hindu temples in Pakistan were targeted by frenzied Islamists from time to time and out of 428 Hindu temples only 20 survive which are in a bad condition today and the rest had been converted for other uses. Hindus often live in fear, have to hide their identity, adopt Muslim names and mannerisms to survive and avoid persecution.

The Christians minority community, also, is victim of Pak terrorism and Islamic Jihad; 127 Christians were killed and over 250 were injured in the year 2015 and it is the only country where 600 churches were attacked in a short period of one year, from November, 2015, to October 2016. The community feels, at present, depressed, demoralized and dejected.

Shias, who make up around 20 per cent of the Muslim population of Pakistan, have been "specifically targeted and killed by machine guns and suicide bombers and there were 446 incidents of violence against the Shia Muslims in Pakistan between 2003 and May 2016, in which more than 2,558 people have been killed and over 4,518 others injured.

Ahmadiyas were declared non-Muslims and prohibited from calling themselves as Muslims. or use Islamic symbols in their religious practices. They are, also, mandated to declare themselves as non Muslims in order to vote in general elections. There is also a general trend of spreading hate against Ahmadiyas through editorials, newspapers and other possible means.

There is, also, unprecedented fear and fury among the Sikh community members in Pakistan Sikh youths and Sikh leaders were beheaded and killed, Sikh girls were forcibly converted to Islam and married without the consent of these victims or their parents.


Under these circumstances Muslims of Kashmir need to understand the reality of the jihadi and bankrupt Pakistan. They should shed inhibitions and wholeheartedly embrace peaceful and prosperous India and join the other patriots of the country in building a new India that is free from terrorism, separatism and corruption and with equal opportunity for every Indian to prosper. At the same time, it is advisable for Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan, that he must stop to provoke Muslims of Kashmir against their own Indian nation and not to force our peace-loving nation, India, to dig graves for your soldiers and Jehadis once and for all. If this rogue Pak nation will not mend its ways, it will have to pay a heavy price for its misadventure, war mongering and promoting unrest and terror in Kashmir.

(The writer is the KPC President)


The views expressed in the Article above are Author’s personal views and is not in any way responsible for the opinions expressed in the above article.                     

Courtesy: - Kundan Kashmiri and October 2019 Koshur Samachar