Date:- 23 Dec 2014
Advanced launch vehicle
The Nation gratefully acknowledges the brilliant performance of our space scientists who are adding new feathers to their cap at the ISRO centre in Sri Hari Kota. The latest laurel is the successful test firing the atmospheric re-entry of a crew module after its heaviest launch vehicle SLV Mk-III re-entry. The success lies in the module descending into the Bay of Bengal at a point earmarked by the scientists at ISRO. In next ten years India will now be able to send manned module into the space and catch up with the countries that have ability to land man on other planets and reenter earth's orbit. Actually, India remained handicapped to some extent in her experiments in space exploration owing to non availability of cryogenic engine which western developed countries declined to supply. Then Indian scientists at ISRO accepted the challenge and finally they were able to produce indigenously made cryogenic engine which is now under further improvement and development. We are proud of our scientists. The space is such a wide and deep nothingness that research in it will never come to an end. In fact so far man has made only the smallest beginning in this field. We are happy that we have the research institute where great brains and skilled hands are at work to carry India forward in the field of space research. We have often reiterated that India is a peace loving country and we want that peace should prevail in our neighbourhood and the world so that scientists, scholars, engineers, technocrats and visionaries who are engaged in breaking new realms of knowledge are able to carry forward their research and study to make our world a happier place to live in
The views expressed in the Article above are Author’s personal views and is not in any way responsible for the opinions expressed in the above article. Courtesy: The Daily Excelsior: 23rd December, 2014