Virasat Se

1996 11 Editors Mail -  Divided we fall

Date:- 01 Nov 1996

Editor's Mail -  Divided we fall

33 R K Sher  

Dear Kaul Sahib,

Namaskar. I have been having 'Koshur Samachar' locally for some time past and feeling greately impressed by its substantial content character and the presentable get-up to match it with other journals published from Delhi. It is good.

Your scintillating and absorbing editorial captioned 'Divided We Fall' (Sept, issue) is replete with factual positions and in case Pandits still behave in a self-conceited manner or continue starting newer and newer outfits claiming leadership of the community, our future cannot be bright. Panun Kashmir did really a wonderful job in its infancy but the older it grew the lesser it took interest in the welfare of the community. There are about a dozen KP organisations and each one of them is declared as the actual representative of the community. I am the only member who just stayed out of this turmoil but am feeling greatly grieved over it. I feel the top PK leadership has been purchased because they stayed away from it for many months now.

I propose that you kindly go on writing on the subject advising KPs to wind up all organisations and come under one umbrella.

Kashmir politics is taking a concrete shape in the coming days and if we do not give up the ego of being an educated community come together, we shall suffer. My understanding of the matter is that it was our call for a 'Homeland' that struck deep into Muslim psyche, especially the Muslim leadership who now recognise that Kashmiri Pandit is as good owner of Kashmir as are the Muslims. Besides safety, unless there is truthful assurance for our means of sustenance in the valley we are not supposed to go back and live there by inhaling the obnoxious and polluted air. Life is life and it has to be lived in pride and with grit.

Many years of my sweet youth were spent in very high offices of the State where I was witness to all what used to pass in the State. How and when the process of marginalising Kashmiri Pandits began is embedded deep in my mind and still continues weaving in my eyes and ringing in my years. I was a helpless observer because many black sheep among our community cooperated with the modern Sultanate of the State by virtue of which they totally comforted themselves and also kept comfortable reserves for their progeny. No need to name them as that will look odd. Those who are alive are pleasantly comfortable in their posh dens (I shall not call them bungalows because they have been acquired by unearned money) in Delhi and other cities of India.

Yours sincerely,

(R.K. Sher)

September 24, 1996


The views expressed in the Article above are Author’s personal views and is not in any way responsible for the opinions expressed in the above article.   

Courtesy:   Koshur Samachar, November, 1996