Vision Of Lalleswari
Virendra Qazi
you are the Sky, You are the earth / You are the day, the very air, the nigh t/ You are the grain-offering, sandal paste, flowers and water too/ You are everything, O Lord / So what can we offer You?" So sang Lalleshwari or Laladed, the 14th century village girl turned mystical genius, had a vision of the past, present and future. She foretold the condition of our present times, which material advancement has led to internal despair. Although the world has become a global village or family due to communication and networking, we still fight over narrow things like caste, creed and colour. But 'Lalla also sang of hope for sincere aspirants to realize God within and that, in this very life. Essentially, she was a torch bearer of the new spiritual movement that witnessed great saints Guru Nanak, Meera, Kabir, Tukaram and many others. Born into a Pandit family, she found herself inundated by empty rituals. Her mother-in-law starved her. She would serve a big round stone covered with a layer of rice to give it the semblance of a big helping. Lalla would wash the stone with patience and keep it back in the kitchen for her mother-in-law to use again.
She observed wise and learned men starving, withering like leaves in the winter wind. On the other hand, she saw a fool enjoying a full meal and then beating his cook for minor shortcomings.
Lalla revealed her agony but counselled patience, contentment and forbearance. Finally, she relinquished her home and became a wondering nun. People flocked to her as her supernatural powers got revealed. Failing to dislodge her from the spiritual path, Lalla's mother-in-law poisoned her son's with false accusations. One day as Lalla returned from filling her water pitcher, her husband accosted and abused her. He struck her pitcher in rage, but the miraculously the water stayed intact though the earthen pot broke and scattered.
Today we see only disharmony, discord and dispute. Lalleshwari life and teachings can uplift us, infusing in us the spirit of patience, love and brotherhood.