My Mother She was


My Mother She was

Sanjay Raina


She cradled me

She cared for me

She reared me,

She grew me up,

My mother she was


She readied me for life,

She taught me life,

She clothed me on,

She cleaned me,

My mother she was...


She taught me life,

She taught me good,

She untaught me bad,

She made my virtue

My mother she was


She made me laugh,

She wiped my tears,

She hugged me,

She gave me her chest.

My Mother she was


She gave me a spring.

She gave me a summer,

She readied me in autumn,

She warmed my winter

My mother she was...


She felt sick one day,

She looked feeble,

She was distraught,

She was helpless,

My Mother she was


She was dishonoured,

She was robbed,

She was attacked,

She was mobbed

My Mother she was


She gave me a hard look,

She told me to go,

She stared at me,

She lost me

My Mother Kashmir she was.


The views expressed in the Article above are Abhijit Chakravertty’s personal views and is not responsible for the opinions expressed in the above article.

Courtesy:- Sanjay Raina and  April 2012, Koshur Samachar



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