Lots to say....

Lots to say....

Lots to say....

Jawahar Lal Saroor

Translation: R K Bharti


Will there ever be a nightingale singing on my window sill?

Will I ever hear the cooing of the dove?

Will roses ever bloom in my courtyard?

Will the spring breeze ever pass from this window?

Will I ever sleep on the moonlit cabins in the evenings?

Will the speckled calf gambol in my courtyard once again?

Will the mustard flowers ever bloom in the field?

Will any neighbour bring basket full of rumex to us as gift?

Do the mushrooms still sprout in sand dunes?

Are the acctosa of Ahrabal still sold in the market of Shopian?

Will I crave for this always now?

Will I never see the snow flakes falling?

Will I never go round Hari Parbat?

Will I never bow at the gate of Makhdoom Sahib?

What can I say, how much will I tell you,

My heart is choked with emotions,

I would fly to that abode of Rishis !

And would cool my seared limbs under the shady chinars

O, I am forlorn, how can I fly?

High walls have been erected for me over Pir Panjal !


The views expressed in the Article above are Abhijit Chakravertty’s personal views and kashmiribhatta.in is not responsible for the opinions expressed in the above article.

Courtesy:  Jawahar Lal Saroor and  Pangs  Of  Exile 1998 Published by Sharda Peeth Prakashan