Poems  from Young and Old - O God, Be Merciful

Poems  from Young and Old - O God, Be Merciful


Poems  from Young and Old - O God, Be Merciful!

Moti Lal Saqi  

(Translated from Kashmiri by Prof. K.L. Moza, G.M. Gollege, Raipur, Jammu)


Murky mists have engulfed this shivering city,

Sun has burnt away beyond recovery,

Smoke of cremation grounds is hanging all around,

Life is breathing timorously,

Corpses are muttering wails and lamentations on

Wolves have sharpened their teeth,

crisscross paths,

Stepping out of doors is a plunge into uncertainty,

Each step....groped forward....is precarious,

This forest is infested with bipeds....

Self-centred and devoid of human sympathy,

Fanaticism is all-pervading,

Hemlock is cultivated and gun-powder treasured,

O God, be merciful! O God, be merciful!


(Translated from Kashmiri by Prof. K.L. Moza, G.M. Gollege, Raipur, Jammu)


The views expressed in the Article above are author’s personal views and kashmiribhatta.in is not responsible for the opinions expressed in the above article.

Courtesy: April-May 1995, Koshur Samachar