Poems  from Young and Old - Resurrection

Poems  from Young and Old - Resurrection

Poems  from Young and Old - Resurrection


Bhagwan Behera  

Guns wound flowers here

These days, as the

Flame of truth, for sure,

Will burn shadows of death

Some day.

By seductive moon on water.


Here boats touch

Edges of mountains

On the star-trekking

Route to Heaven

That follows foot-steps of

Angels on the mix of

Ice with sands.


Here memories

Raise their heads

Kissing first the 'A'

On the parade of alphabets;

And dreams resurrect

Pain in fragrance of flowers,

Silencing guns after all.


The views expressed in the Article above are author’s personal views and kashmiribhatta.in is not responsible for the opinions expressed in the above article.

Courtesy: April-May 1995, Koshur Samachar