Poetry from Young & Old- Do We All Stink

Poetry from Young & Old- Do We All Stink

Poetry from Young & Old- Do We All Stink?

Leela Krishen Tiku    

Going towards the next century I feel,

Have we achieved anything to be happy about?

Or what are we proud of?

Of bloodshed, massacres, and whatnot?


Or is it enough to be technologically advanced that


And close our eyes and pretend,

That we cannot see the dark side,

We cannot stop this growing trend.


Sometimes I can hear the deadly scream, the pitiful


Of the drowning men, women and children that died,

Of the killed villagers and murdered men,

I hear, I feel and stand petrified.


The authorities claim to be on the track,

but really they are on a wild goose chase.


They can't nab a criminal in a straight fashion,

And criminals escape in several ways.

And why talk about low ranking criminals,

When there are higher ups, who blame each other,

For accepting bribes, indulging in pay-offs,

Their negligence kills, and they blame the weather


And here we say we are developing fast,

But, at what cost are we?

We haven't been given anything except promises,

Really we are not developing, development is still


Standing between all this crisis,

Everybody should think and conserve,

Conserve our Flora, Fauna and our Culture,

Going into the 21st Century, No Sir we don't

Deserve. For we haven't achieved anything except a little bit,

We have lost much, much more than what we think.

Words will go on, there are many more to come,

Let's do something, take action, otherwise we'll all


Leela Krishen Tiku


The views expressed in the Article above are Author’s personal views and kashmiribhatta.in is not in any way responsible for the opinions expressed in the above article.                                                     Courtesy: Leela Krishen Tiku and Koshur Samachar: June, 1997