Back-Stabbing Pain

Back-Stabbing Pain

Lifestyle factors such as inactivity and the ageing process can take a toll on your back. But here’s how to separate the facts from the fiction

Take a look at some of the myths surrounding back pain and what you should really be doing to alleviate it:

Myth: Back pain means damage or injury

Back pain is very common with 84 per cent of us experiencing it in our lifetime – but it is also rarely serious. A tiny 1 per cent is related to cancer, infection, fracture or inflammation while only 5 per cent is associated with nerve compression.

Scientific evidence now shows the “volume switch” can be turned up by past experiences of pain, health (low energy, feeling tired) and lifestyle (obesity, being sedentary). Psychological factors, such as low mood, stress and depression, also play a big part in pain perception.

Myth: Painkillers will speed your recovery

Ibuprofen is often the first treatment GPs dish out for acute attacks of lower back pain, but a major trial in Australia showed that it neither helps recovery nor reduces pain.

“Most back pain is mechanical so hands-on treatment, movement or exercise is more likely to manage the problem,” explains Marc Sanders, a member of the British Chiropractic Association. “Try heat packs, massage, spinal manipulation, acupuncture, gentle home stretching and short walks.”

Myth: Lifting is worse for backs than sitting

People with desk jobs are likely to suffer more back pain than manual workers. Sitting causes up to twice as much pressure on the discs as standing. If you have to sit for long periods, move and change posture every 20-30 minutes. Using your spine makes it stronger. When lifting, focus on gradual strength training – whether lifting boxes at home or gym weights.

Myth: Scans show back pain causes

The problem is a scan will probably always show something. One study showed findings of arthritis, disc problems and pinched nerve roots among adults aged from 20 to 80, yet none were experiencing back pain. Scans are only needed when a serious condition is suspected, such as cancer, a fracture or infection.

Myth: Surgery is often required to fix back pain

Surgery is or should be the last resort and should be done only after other options have been explored.

Myth: I’ve a slipped disc

Your discs are strong tissues that sit between the bones of your spine – they cannot slip or pop out of place because of the muscles, ligaments and tissues around them. Discs age and can lose some of their flexibility and shock absorbing properties which can cause pain.


The views expressed in the Article above are Author’s personal views and is not responsible for the opinions expressed in the above article.

Courtesy: The State Times: 30th October, 2019

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