
15101947 Reply of the Prime Minister of Kashmir dated October 15, 1947 to the Government of Pakistan

15101947 Reply of the Prime Minister of Kashmir dated October 15, 1947 to the Government of Pakistan

This Government has ample proof of infiltration. As is the result in every Government, including the Pakistan Dominion, the Military has to take action when disturbances caused cannot adequately be dealt with by the Civil Administration. If this action

hurts anyone's feelings. The Government hopes you will agree that it is for them to help in the task of restoration of peace. Government is prepared to have an impartial inquiry made into (he whole affair with a view to remove misunderstanding and to restore cordial relations which this Government has strictly kept in view so far even in spite of provocations by the people across the border and has maintained it in its true spirits. If, unfortunately, this request is not heeded, the Government, much against its wishes, will have no option but to ask for assistance to withstand aggressive and unfriendly actions of the Pakistan people along our border."