
25101965 Text of the Speech made by Mr. Fedorenko (Union of Soviet Secialist Republics) in the Security Council Meeting No. 1247 held on 25 October 1965

Text of the Speech made by Mr. Fedorenko (Union of Soviet Secialist Republics) in the Security Council Meeting No. 1247 held on 25 October 1965


We note with satisfaction the calm tone of the objective acknowledgement the representative of the United States has just made. Our statement was based solely on facts. These facts have been acknowledged as was proper. Nevertheless, the United States representative is attempting to make out that they should have been presented differently or in some other way.


As for the suggestion that we should have done this at a previous meeting of the Security Council, may I remind the representative of the United States that this is the first meeting to be held in the interval and that we are therefore taking the first opportunity to present our position in the Security Council. By saying this he is detracting from other ways and means. Indirectly, as it were, he is expressing lack of confidence in the other steps we have taken informally. However, we are well aware that he has always been in favour of using all available means to settle such matters, particularly through informal consultations, contact between delegations, and so on. such methods did not help, failed to produce the desired results. Only if or proved unsatisfactory, should the matter be raised officially.


We exhausted all possible and available methods. We consider that all we had done might have led to a settlement of the problem, but since that was not the case, the Soviet delegation took the first opportunity to explain its position officially here. This is a perfectly proper thing to do, and only shows that we sought to bring about a final settlement of the problem. We tried various ways. This should be clearly understood and duly appreciated. Once again I should like to ask that no consecutive interpretation be made of my remarks.