
24091957 Text of the Speech made by Mr. Jarring (Sweden) in the Security Council Meeting No. 791 held on 24 September 1957

 Text of the Speech made by Mr. Jarring (Sweden) in the Security Council Meeting No. 791 held on 24 September 1957


Mr. President, first of all I want to thank you for the kind words you have addressed to me. I appreciate them very much.


In its resolution of 21 February 1957 [S/3793] the Security Council requested me, in my capacity as President of the Council for the month of February, to examine with the Governments of India and of Pakistan any proposals which, in my opinion, were likely to contribute towards the settlement of the India-Pakistan dispute, having regard to the previous resolutions of the Security Council and of the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan. I was furthermore requested to visit the sub-continent for this purpose and to report to the Security Council not later than 15 April 1957.


In pursuance of this resolution I visited India and Pakistan during the months of March and April and had conversations. with the two Governments.


My report, which is contained in document S/3821, was submitted on 29 April 1957. I want to express my thanks to my colleagues on the Council for their kindness in granting me an extension of the time originally set for the presentation of my report.


I do not feel that it will be necessary for me to give an oral presentation of the contents of my report or to elaborate upon it. The text has been at the disposal of the members of the Security Council and the parties concerned since 29 April 1957 and it is well known to everybody.


The submission of my report to the Council terminates my duties under the Security Council resolution of 21 February 1957.


I take this opportunity to thank once more the members of the Council for the confidence they have placed in me. I likewise express to the Governments of India and of Pakistan my appreciation for the cooperation I have received in the performance of my task.