
24011957 Text of the Speech made by Mr. Jawad (Iraq) in the Security Council Meeting No 765 held on 24 January, 1957

 Text of the Speech made by Mr. Jawad (Iraq) in the Security Council Meeting No 765 held on 24 January, 1957


For several reasons my delegation would have liked to make on this occasion a statement on the substance of the matter, to express our position arding the Kashmir dispute, We believe that such a statement is necessary because of the special position of Iraq in relation to India and Pakistan, two countries with whom we have close and friendly ties, past and present, ties of a historical, economic and religious character. Furthermore, Iraq is taking part for the first time in a discussion on the Kashmir question, which has been pending for the last nine years, and for this reason we thought it would be appropriate to make our opinion known to the two countries. concerned and to others who have special interests in the future of Kashmir.


In view of the recent developments in connexion with the step taken by the Srinagar Constituent Assembly regarding the integration of Kashmir into India on 26 January 1957, however, we have decided to postpone our statement to a future meeting, as we feel that it is extremely essential for certain preliminary decisions to be arrived at today to reaffirm the Council's previous decisions regarding the basis and methods for deciding the future of the people of Kashmir.


We consider that the previous decisions of the Council were in conformity with the principles of the Charter. After hearing the statements of the representatives of India and Pakistan, we are inclined to believe that the issue remains basically the same as it was when it was dealt with for the last time in 1952. We find that the draft resolution submitted by the five Powers meets the immediate requirements of the present situation, as the last paragraph of that resolution keeps the question under consideration by the Council and we feel sure that this will assist the Council to find a peaceful and lasting solution of the dispute.


My delegation therefore supports the draft resolution in question and reserves its right to speak on the substance of the problem at a later meeting.


Mr. GEORGES-PICOT (France) (translated from French) In view of the resolutions which have already been adopted and of what has been said both by the parties concerned and by the members of the Council, the French delegation was in the beginning doubtful whether the draft resolution that had been submitted was really essential to dispel certain apprehensions. which have been expressed. After further thought, it has come to the conclusion that the draft resolution will be a useful interim measure if it gives us the time we need for careful and unhurried consideration of the serious and delicate questions that have been submitted to us.


In that spirit the French delegation will vote in favour of the draft resolution submitted by Australia, Colombia, Cuba, the United Kingdom and the United States, while reserving the right to speak again later on the substance of the question.