
00111951  Text of the Speech made by Mr. Muniz (Brazil) in the Security Council Meeting No 566 held on November 1951.

00111951  Text of the Speech made by Mr. Muniz (Brazil) in the Security Council Meeting No 566 held on November 1951.


I had occasion in New York, when presiding over the Security Council, to express the appreciation of the Council, and of the Brazilian delegation, for the excellent work done by Mr. Graham in his mission of bringing the parties to agreement on the question of demilitarisation. The report of Mr. Graham, as presented to the Security Council, is the best evidence of the sincerity and earnestness of his efforts and of his fitness for the mission entrusted to him.


The Brazilian delegation will support the joint United State United Kingdom draft resolution [S/2300], which in our opinion is in keeping with previous decisions of the Security Council on the matter and represents a continuation of the efforts made by the United Nations towards the peaceful settlement of the India-Pakistan question and of the problems arising out of the demilitarisation of Jammu and Kashmir. The comprehensive report submitted by Mr Graham


[S/2375] gives us a very clear picture of the differences outstanding between the two governments and shows the necessity of promoting and furthering the negotiations between the Governments of Pakistan and India. This is why the Brazilian favours the joint draft resolution before the Council, which allows for a further exploration of all possible approaches to the matter.


In voting for the draft resolution, the Brazilian delegation makes its earnest appeal to the Governments of India and of Pakistan to do their very best to make the new effort at conciliation succeed. I am sure that this appeal expresses the aspirations and the concern of as peoples, who see in the continuation of this conflict a source of grave danger to world peace.