
28011948 Text of the Speech made by Mr. Nisot (Belgium) in the Security Council Meeting No. 284 held on 28 January, 1948

 Text of the Speech made by Mr. Nisot (Belgium) in the Security Council Meeting No. 284 held on 28 January, 1948


The resolution before us recommends to both parties certain procedures or methods of adjustment which in the opinion of the Council, should help to solve their differences. It places at the disposal of the two parties the services of the Commission, already set up by the Council, which will offer its good offices and ensure a means for mediation. Hence, what is proposed now is to obtain the agreement of both parties, which is a necessary condition for the peaceful solution. of their difficulties. The purpose of the recommendations formulated in the resolution is to guide and support their efforts.


The Belgian delegation hopes that the Governments concerned in the dispute will take full advantage of these recommendations and will support, to the greatest possible degree, any action that the Commission may take to bring about the desired results.