
24011948  Text of the Speech made by Mr. EL Khouri (Syria) in the Security Council Meeting No. 235 held on 24 January, 1948

  Text of the Speech made by Mr. EL Khouri (Syria) in the Security Council Meeting No. 235 held on 24 January, 1948


I wish to express my full agreement with the statement made by the representative of the United Kingdom, and also with the statements of the members who spoke after him. These statements certainly have been very helpful and useful for the continuation of our work, work on which we have made very good progress.


It is the hope of my delegation that these negotiations will be continued under the guidance of the President of the Security Council and that they will include the items which have been mentioned, especially those mentioned by the representatives of France and Canada.


Provision should also be made with respect to another. point of disagreement among the parties, namely, the refugees in places other than Kashmir. They should be given the opportunity to return to their homes, and provision for redress should be made. It is to be expected that similar provisions will be established for both sides. In this manner all the causes of the dispute will be removed and no issue will be left to disturb the good relations and friendliness between the two Dominions.