
05111965  Resolution adopted at the 1251 meeting of the Security Council on 5 November 1965


 Resolution adopted at the 1251 meeting of the Security Council on 5 November 1965


The Security Council,


Regretting the delay in the full achievement of a complete and effective cease-fire and a prompt withdrawal of armed personnel to the positions held by them before 5 August 1965, as called for in its resolutions 209 (1965) of 4 September, 210 (1965) of 6 September, 211 (1965) of 20 September and 214 (1965) of 27 September 1965.

1. Reaffirms its resolution 211 (1965) in all its parts;

2. Requests the Governments of India and Pakistan to cooperate towards a full implementation of paragraph 1 of resolution 211 (1965); calls upon them to instruct their armed personnel to cooperate with the United Nations and cease all military activity; and insists that there be an end to violations of the cease-fire;

3. Demands the prompt and unconditional execution of the proposal already agreed to in principle by the Governments of India and Pakistan that their representatives meet with a suitable representative of the Secretary-General, to be appointed without delay after consultation with both parties, for the purpose of formulating an agreed plan and schedule for the withdrawals by both parties; urges that such a meeting take place as soon as possible and that such a plan contain a time-limit on its implementation; and requests the Secretary-General to report on the progress achieved in this respect within three weeks of the adoption of the present resolution;

4. Requests the Secretary-General to submit for its consideration as soon as possible a report on compliance with the present resolution.

Adopted by 9 votes to none, with 2 abstentions (Jordan, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). [Source: Security Council Resolution no. 215 (1965)]