
04091965  Resolution Adopted at the 1237th Meeting of the Security Council on 4 September 1965

 Resolution Adopted at the 1237th Meeting of the Security Council on 4 September 1965


The Security Council,


Noting the report of the Secretary-General of 3 September 1965.


Having heard the statements of the representatives of India and Pakistan,


Concerned at the deteriorating situation along the cease-fire line in Kashmir.


1. Calls upon the Governments of India and Pakistan to take forthwith all steps for an immediate cease-fire.


2. Calls upon the two Governments to respect the cease-fire line and have all armed personnel of each party withdrawn to its own side of the line.


3. Calls upon the two Governments to cooperate fully with the United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) in its task of supervising the observance of the cease-fire;


4. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Council within three days on the implementation of the present resolution.


Adopted unanimously


[ Source: Security Council Resolution No. 209 (1965)]