
20061949 --172 Text of the Letter dated 20 June 1949 from the Chairman of the Commission Mr. Leguizamon addressed to the Minister for Kashmir Affairs, Government of Pakistan, relating to the action of the Government of India inviting the Government of Jammu and Kashmir to nominate representatives to the Indian Constituent Assembly (UN Document No. S/AC. 12/217)

20061949 --172 Text of the Letter dated 20 June 1949 from the Chairman of the Commission Mr. Leguizamon addressed to the Minister for Kashmir Affairs, Government of Pakistan, relating to the action of the Government of India inviting the Government of Jammu and Kashmir to nominate representatives to the Indian Constituent Assembly (UN Document No. S/AC. 12/217)


I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 11 June 1949 (annex 52) in regard to the action of the Government of India inviting the Government of Jammu and Kashmir to nominate representatives to the Indian Constituent Assembly.


Your letter was submitted to the United Nations Commission and duly noted. The Commission decided that a copy of the letter shall be forwarded in due time to the Security Council for its information.


The Commission did not consider that it would serve any useful purpose at the present time to take any other steps in this matter.


(Signed) Carlos A. Leguizamon