
07091949 --109 Text of the Letter dated 7 September 1949 from the Minister for Kashmir Affairs, Government of Pakistan, Mr. M.A. Gurmani addressed to the Chairman of the Commission regarding the Commission  memorandum on arbitration (UN Document No. S/AC. 12/261)

07091949 --109 Text of the Letter dated 7 September 1949 from the Minister for Kashmir Affairs, Government of Pakistan, Mr. M.A. Gurmani addressed to the Chairman of the Commission regarding the Commission  memorandum on arbitration (UN Document No. S/AC. 12/261)

I have the honour to refer to the memorandum (annex 35) handed by you on behalf of the Commission to the Pakistan Foreign Minister on the 29th August 1949, and to state that. the Pakistan Government agreed to the course of action proposed by the Commission in paragraph 5 of the memorandum for implementing part II of the Commission's resolution of 13th August 1948.


(Signed) M.A. Gurmani