
23031949--36 Text of the Letter dated 23 March 1949 from the Chairman of the Commission Mr. Kerchove addressed to the Secretary-General, Ministry of External Affairs and Commonwealth Relations, Government of India, regarding Pakistan representation in Srinagar (UN Document No. S/AC 12/158)

23031949--36 Text of the Letter dated 23 March 1949 from the Chairman of the Commission Mr. Kerchove addressed to the Secretary-General, Ministry of External Affairs and Commonwealth Relations, Government of India, regarding Pakistan representation in Srinagar (UN Document No. S/AC 12/158)


I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 22 March (annex 14) in reply to mine of the previous day (annex 13) on the subject of the status of a Pakistan representative with the United Nations Commission when it moves to Srinagar or to another part of the Jammu and Kashmir State under the control of the Government of India.


Your letter states that the Government of Jammu and Kashmir do not deem it convenient to allow a representative of Pakistan to be with the Commission in their capital as that "would merely create a focus for intrigue against them." The Commission notes that the Government of India does not feel justified in overruling the Government of Jammu and Kashmir in a matter of this kind.


The Commission reserves its position in this connection but will revert to the object should it decide, for the proper fulfilment of its mission, to go to Srinagar or to any other part of the territory of Jammu and Kashmir.


The Commission hopes that its work will not be impeded by a negative attitude on this matter on the part of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir. If that Government meets with difficulties arising out of the presence of a Pakistan representative, the Commission is sure that they will be able to deal with such difficulties appropriately.


(Signed) R. Van De Kerchove
