
21031949--34  Text of the Letter dated 21 March 1949 from the Chairman of the Commission Mr. R. Van De Kerchove addressed to the Secretary-General, Ministry of External Affairs and Commonwealth Relations, Government of India, regarding the Pakistan representative in Srinagar (UN Document No. S/AC. 12/156)

21031949--34  Text of the Letter dated 21 March 1949 from the Chairman of the Commission Mr. R. Van De Kerchove addressed to the Secretary-General, Ministry of External Affairs and Commonwealth Relations, Government of India, regarding the Pakistan representative in Srinagar (UN Document No. S/AC. 12/156)


When the Commission establishes its headquarters in Srinagar it will most probably be necessary to have present duly authorized representatives of the Governments of India and Pakistan; and when the Commission, in the near future, goes to Karachi for discussions with the Pakistani Government the Commission will suggest to that Government the appointment of a qualified person to go to Srinagar when requested by the Commission to do so.


I take it that the Pakistani Government will then want to know what will be the status of its representative in Srinagar.


I would assure the Pakistani Government that of course their representative will enjoy ordinary diplomatic privileges, including personal immunity for himself and his necessary staff and the inviolability of his correspondence, right to use cipher in telegrams, etc. I would also be glad to be able to inform the Pakistani Government that the Government of Jammu and Kashmir will make the necessary arrangements for the security of the Pakistani representative as well as of his staff during their stay in Srinagar and during their travelling to and from that town.


I should be grateful if you would kindly let me know what suggestions you might wish to put forward in this matter.


(Signed) R. Van De Kerchove
