
12021949--8 Text of the Letter dated 12 February 1949 from the Chairman of the Commission Robert B. Macatee addressed to the Prime Minister of India and to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Pakistan (UN Document No. S/AC. 12/127)



12021949--8 Text of the Letter dated 12 February 1949 from the Chairman of the Commission Robert B. Macatee addressed to the Prime Minister of India and to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Pakistan (UN Document No. S/AC. 12/127)


I have the honour to refer to point E of part I of the Commission's resolution of 13 August 1948, which reads as follows:


"The Government of India and the Government of Pakistan agree to appeal to their respective peoples to assist in creating and maintaining an atmosphere favourable to the promotion of further negotiations."


The Commission has read with great satisfaction statements by spokesmen both of India and of Pakistan after the establishment of the ceasefire in Kashmir emphasizing the great importance of this event as opening the road towards friendly relations between the two States in an atmosphere of mutual understanding and goodwill.


The Commission attaches every great importance to the rapid establishment of such an atmosphere. During the hostilities in Jammu and Kashmir much was said and done in the heat of the struggle, but the Commission feels that attention should now primarily be directed towards establishment of peaceful and friendly conditions in that State.


The Commission has reason to believe that the Governments of India and Pakistan fully share its view in this respect and it sincerely hopes that they will exercise their influence in the proper quarters so as to bring about the cessation of all propaganda which goes beyond legitimate political activity.


I am writing in the same way to the Foreign Minister of Pakistan and the Prime Minister of India.


(Signed) Robert B. Macatee
