
15091950 (a) Introduction

15091950 (a) Introduction


Sir Owen Dixon's report, submitted on 15 September 1950 [S/1791] indicated no further progress towards the demilitarization of the State or towards agreement on other means for disposing of the State of Jammu and Kashmir. Sir Owen Dixon wondered whether it might not be better to leave the parties to themselves in negotiating terms for the settlement of the problem, and indicated that he was not prepared to recommend any further course of action on the part of the Council.


In a letter dated 14 December [S/1942], the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Pakistan expressed concern over the delay in dealing with the report of the United Nations Representative, and declared that various steps were being taken by the Government of India and the Maharajah's Government in Kashmir to prejudice the holding of a free and impartial plebiscite to decide on the accession of the State.


At the 503rd meeting [26 September], the President of the Security Council had already expressed the Council's gratitude to the United Nations Representative and had voiced the Council's wish to relieve him of his mission in accordance with Sir Owen Dixon's request. The Council undertook consideration of the report at its 532nd meeting [21 February 1951]. After considerable discussion, a revised joint draft resolution submitted by the United Kingdom and the United States [S/2017/Rev.1] was adopted at the 539th meeting [30 March], inter alia, reminding the Governments and authorities concerned of the principle embodied in various Security Council resolutions that the final disposition of the State of Jammu and Kashmir would be made in accordance with the will of the people expressed through a free and impartial plebiscite conducted under the auspices of the United Nations, providing for appointment of a United Nations Representative to succeed Sir Owen Dixon and instructing that Representative, inter alia, to effect the demilitarization of the State of Jammu and Kashmir on the basis of the two UNCIP resolutions. At the 543rd meeting [30 April], the Council approved the appointment of Mr. Frank P. Graham as United Nations Representative.